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Ephesians 3:16-19 I pray out of His glorious reaches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grapes how wide and long, and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fulness of God.

Before I knew my Heavenly Father through His Son, Jesus the Christ, by their given Holy Spirit of Truth, I thought I was thinking, living, and loving in the deepest, widest and highest part of my mind, but I loved and lived in the shallows where mere humans could only see and reach. My spirit was being elevated, and I was serving, but it was only me and others lifting my spirit. We were serving through our human power and following a human manufactured religion full of spiritual human ways and traditions.

I was reading books and life-given stories that were changing my life, but the changes only reached the shallow part of my mind. I watched movies that pulled at my heartstrings, but the strings were short lived. I only found how shallow my thinking, how I loved, and lived were when I was touched by my Heavenly Father, through His Son, by His Holy Spirit of Truth.

I realized at that moment I lived through a deception and billions of other people were too. Billions or maybe trillions are being deceived today by powerful people through their manufactured wisdom and life stories. They have millions of followers and have received great wealth from their wisdom and life stories that have been written through books and acted through movies.

I use to be a people follower, and I followed powerful people that made a name for themselves through their wisdom by way of books and the media stage. I thought I was living in the spiritual deep and highest part of my mind as they were through their wisdom and truth they followed, but I was wrong, and God revealed how wrong I was.

It is only our eternal Heavenly Father through His Son, the Christ, by their given Holy Spirit of Truth working as One in and through us that can give us the wisdom and power to go beyond our reach to the deepest, widest, and highest part of our mind that fills our spirit and body. All the fullness of their deepness and highest was given to humanity for their eternal purpose, glory and praise.

We will never find their given Spiritual light that goes beyond our reach in us by following a human-manufactured religion or depending on our own power to serve, save ourselves, or anyone. We need to stop admiring the powerful humans and their human power, wisdom ways, and life written and acted stories as their sowing methods that lead us to shallow levels of elevation we think are our highest, deepest, and widest.

There has always been One Truth, One Way, and One life to know How Wide, Deep, and High we can go, and that One Truth, Way, and life will always be through following Jesus!

Deep calls to Deep and the shallow can't hear,

but the Deep has been where the shallow live.

Victoria Gann


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